Foundation-supported program a miracle for student

Power of partnerships leads to homeownership for couple

Mortgage payment nightmare: How Dupaco helped a couple move on
Credit union helps member cut loan interest rate in half
Case of identity theft leads to new financial beginning
Local credit union convenience from 900 miles away
Workplace Money Makeover helps couple confront debt
Shared Branching offers homestyle convenience
Carol Callahan is a longtime Dupaco member, regularly stopping by a nearby credit union branch to access her money. When Callahan and her husband began wintering in Arizona six years ago, the rural Bernard couple remained connected to their credit union…
Your membership pays
Mike Halverson has long appreciated the cooperative structure of Dupaco Community Credit Union. “They’re trying to help their members be financially better off and make more informed decisions,” Halverson said of Dupaco, which he joined nearly two decades ago. Halverson, of…

MoneyMatch helps Dubuque woman realize dream
Money Makeover helps simplify the home refinance process for two members
As a former bank employee who once handled mortgages, Tracie Walker wasn’t too eager to revisit her own home loan. “I had always avoided refinancing, because it can be such an unpleasant experience,” says Tracie, of Brandon. Then she heard…