5 benefits of pet insurance to consider right meow
Updated May 30, 2023, at 12:10 p.m. CT
We insure our vehicles, homes, health and more—but what about the furry members of our families? While many pet owners have not traditionally carried pet insurance, more are starting to find value in the coverage.
The North American Pet Health Insurance Association says pet owners insured 5.36 million pets in North America at the end of 2022.
Pet insurance has become one of the fastest growing segments of insurance in the U.S.
And Dupaco Insurance Services offers Figo Pet Insurance to bring dog and cat owners peace of mind.
Here’s how pet insurance works—along with five benefits to consider:
|1| Pet insurance can make treatment affordable
Expenses add up with even the healthiest of pets—food, toys, boarding, pet licenses and the occasional visit to the veterinarian.
When your dog or cat requires emergency medical treatment, veterinarian bills can soar into the thousands of dollars.
Insurance can help defer those costs.
With veterinarian costs, just like health care costs, on the rise, sometimes we can’t afford the proper treatment for our pets. But with pet insurance, it can make the treatment affordable and provide peace of mind for pet owners.
|2| You pick the plan
Figo offers multiple plans. With each of these plans, you customize your reimbursement percentage and annual deductible.
You can choose the plan that best fits your needs. When choosing a plan, you’ll want to consider the breed, as some breeds have a history of health issues.
And if you’re looking for pet insurance that covers vaccines, Figo’s optional wellness and preventative care coverage provides money back for annual exams, vaccines, diagnostic tests and more! You’ll need to refer to your policy for complete details regarding coverage, limitations and exclusions.
|3| It covers nearly all illnesses and injuries
Figo covers all illnesses and injuries—including cancer, hip dysplasia and hereditary and congenital conditions—if they were not pre-existing conditions.
A pre-existing condition is any condition that shows clinical signs prior to the start of your policy period and relevant waiting period.
Figo also doesn’t cover experimental procedures, cloning procedures, cosmetic surgery or breeding, pregnancy and birth. You can see what’s not included in Figo Pet Insurance here.
|4| You choose the veterinarian
Have a favorite veterinarian? No problem.
Unlike human health insurance, pet insurance allows you to take your sick or injured dog or cat to any licensed veterinarian, emergency room or specialist in the U.S. or Canada.
|5| It’s easy to manage
You can research and get a pet insurance quote within minutes.
In your Figo Pet Cloud, you can submit claims by uploading a bill from any device, share your pet’s medical records any time, get reminders when vaccinations are due and more.