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Ever stare at your credit card balance and wonder, “How am I ever going to pay this off?” You’re not alone. But there’s hope!

Our free credit card payoff calculator is here to be your debt-busting buddy. This handy credit card calculator takes the guesswork out of your repayment plan. Enter your current balance, monthly payment, interest rate and payoff goal, and we’ll show you exactly how much you need to pay each month to be credit card debt-free.

Need a little extra help? A balance transfer could help you save on interest charges. And if you’re curious about other options, explore these debt consolidation strategies. For one-on-one guidance, a free Dupaco Money Makeover could help you review your budget and figure out the best way to pay off your credit card debt.

Ready to take control of your finances and ditch the debt? Let’s get started!

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