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Dupaco's Jordan Kuehl with dad, Chad Kuehl. Jordan Kuehl says her dad, Chad Kuehl, was there for her every single time she needed him. That’s why losing him in 2021 turned her world upside down. (Contributed)

Meet your #DupacoCrew: Finding hope in the face of grief

By Jordan Kuehl | Member service representative

My dad had always been my rock.

The man who never missed one of my softball games. Showed up at every honor band. Sent me off to every prom. Drove me to those 6 a.m. practices. Bought my first car. Raced his way to me after my first car accident. Helped me through every broken heart.

The man who was there for me every single time I needed him.

That’s why losing him in 2021 turned my world upside down. My dad passed away a month before my 22nd birthday.

‘You will become whole again’

My father taught me a lot of things. But he did not teach me how to live in this world without him.

Losing my dad taught me that you will grieve forever. You don’t “get over” the loss—you learn to live with it.

It’s hard.

It’s messy.

And it’s been the most painful experience I’ve ever had to go through.

Dupaco's Jordan Kuehl with dad as a young girl.
A young Jordan Kuehl with her dad, Chad Kuehl. (Contributed)

But on the other side of it is looking at pictures and smiling. Having friends and family tell you stories you hadn’t heard before. Keeping his memory alive by realizing it’s okay to talk about him.

You will heal.

You will become whole again.

I live my life for the days my dad didn’t get to. I’m here. I’m working as hard as I can. And I’m making him proud by choosing to live life to its fullest potential.

‘I’m proud to work at Dupaco’

And so many things inspire me to get up and come to work every day.

I love knowing that no day will be the same around here. I look forward to working with our members, hearing their stories and doing everything I can to help them and give them a life worth loving.

I’m proud to work at Dupaco because we’re all about giving chances.

I’ve had many defeated members come into my office, thinking we won’t be able to help them because other financials turned them away. And they leave here smiling.

Even if I can’t do exactly what the member is asking in that moment, we can develop a plan to eventually get them there.

I love that Dupaco gives me the confidence and freedom to have those conversations with members. Our goal is truly to help the people who come to us, and that’s exactly what we do.

Dupaco took a chance on me when I was 19 years old. And I will forever be grateful.

This job has become my second family. My Dupaco family has been there for it all the last four years. And that’s something I’ll never forget.

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